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PIA tabletop / wafer/frames up to 12”

Manual wafer or frame loading

Purpose of PIA tabletop

PIA tabletop is a standalone system previously developed to upgrade existing prober machines (e.g. Accretech UF200A) with optical inspection applications such as the SPA-Inker functionality. One usability is the physical inking of manually loaded wafer/frames up to 200mm diameter with a subsequent fast automatic visual inspection of all inkdots and a closed-loop reink cycle (PIA-ink). Another application of potential usage is the optical inspection of semiconductor backend products with the available inspection capabilities from PVA SPA (PIA-aoi).

Mounting Verification Tool (MVT300) / frames up to 12“

Automatic wafer or frame loading

Purpose of Mounting Verification Tool

The MVT300 serves as complete quality verification tool for the mounting process of wafer onto frames before or after they are sawn. Optionally it can be equipped with an industrial labeling system.

Key benefits:

  • 100% match between wafer ID (OCR / DMC) and frame barcode labeling (BCR)
  • Reading wafer IDs and frame labels at any position and orientation (360°)
  • Measuring mounting quality of bare and diced wafer on frame
  • Measuring of XY expansion of wafer after dicing process

MVT300 Options:

  • Integrated frame labeling process
  • Complete physical wafer image archiving
  • Automatic digital wafermap creation
  • SECS/GEM compatible interface (GEM200, GEM300)

Prober Inspection Addon (PIA) / wafer/frames up to 8“

Automatic wafer or frame loading

Purpose Prober Inspection Addon

Automatic visual inspection of wafer/frames up to 8”, loaded automatically by an external handler (e.g. electrical test prober) from open cassettes onto its motorized xy table. One usability is the physical inking of manually loaded wafer/frames up to 200mm diameter with a subsequent fast automatic visual inspection of all inkdots and a closed-loop reink cycle (PIA-ink). Another application of potential usage is the optical inspection of semiconductor backend products with the available inspection capabilities from PVA SPA (PIA-aoi).

Key benefits:

  • Control of prober via GPIB protocol
  • PIA replaces prober headplate
  • Weight incl. PIA-headplate ~80kg
  • Headplates 600mm, 640mm, 680mm or customized
  • Automatic headplate-hole opening/closing
  • Motorized PIA tilting system

SPA Inker / wafer up to 8“

Automatic wafer or frame loading

Purpose of SPA Inker

The SPA Inker is a fully automatic machine for the physical inking of wafer up to 200mm diameter with a subsequent automatic visual inspection of all inkdots and closed-loop reink cycle.

Key benefits:

  • Inkdot diameters 130µm – 900µm
  • Inkdot placing max. 8,9 dots/sec
  • 100% inkdot quality assurance
  • Ink splash detection on good dies
  • Automatic reinking of inkdot failures
  • Wafer-specific RGB LED illumination settings
  • Archiving image of completely inked wafer
  • Footprint [mm] 1650x900

SPA Inker Options:

  • Framed wafer compatibility up to 200mm
  • SECS/GEM compatible interface

Wafer Scales (WS) / wafer up to 12“

Automatic wafer or frame loading

Purpose of Wafer Scales

Our full-automatic wafer scales (WS200 and WS300) are designed for thickness measurement of frontend material coatings on either the front- or especially backside of bare wafer.WSx basics

Key benefits:

  • High precision wafer scale (0,1mg res)
  • Wafer coating thickness measurement
  • Automatic loading of 150mm, 200mm or 300mm wafer
  • Footprint [mm] 985x830 or 2015x1685

Wafer scale Options:

  • SECS/GEM measurement control
  • SECS/GEM interface (supports GEM200, GEM300)
  • TAIKO and thin wafer handling

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PVA SPA Software Entwicklungs GmbH
Seifartshofstraße 12-14
96450 Coburg, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 9561 7947-0

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