Customized interfaces to CAM / shopfloor systems Multiple connections of various machines or applications to various management systems SECS and customized MES connections Shopfloor status…
UL200 Options: Built-in SECS/GEM connectivity Integrated RFID / camera-based tag reading Integrated WaferID reading Special wafer sizes like 75 mm Illuminated top/back macro defect…
Benefits: Wafertype-specific and dynamic wafer detection for safe loading from cassette Automatic loading of 100-150 mm or 150-200 mm wafers Prealignment of wafer position and rotation …
Purpose of UL200 wafer loader The UL200 is a compact table system with a small footprint for fast automatic loading of wafers with a diameter of up to 200 mm onto a microscope either provided by us…
Enhanced Backside Inspection System The LuXpector EBIS (Enhanced Backside Inspection System) uses two high-resolution CIS scan lines to capture images of the front- and backside of wafers…